OrderFlows Turns For NT8

The Orderflows Turns will add a new dimension to your trading. It's simple, accurate and clearly illustrated on a volume footprint chart as well as a normal bar chart. Now you can harness the power of order flow analysis on a normal bar chart. Order flow analysis gives the trader an extremely accurate look at what is happening in the market. The fact is, though, that most traders don't know how to read order flow. Many traders get confused with all the data that is presented to them with order flow. That is why OrderFlows has created tools for the trader to let the computer do the analysis of the order flow for them.
The Orderflows Turns Indicator analyzes:
Point Of Control.
Volume traded on the bid and offer.
Price action.
Swing analysis.
Works on both Footprint and Candle charts
Works on different chart types and time frames
Works on different futures markets - ES, CL, YM, NQ, 6E, ZB, FGBL and more